Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Various bits and news.

Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of warning on the episode of The Mentalist (They aired it last Nov. 5th) but I didn't know the date myself. I'll try to upload and link a video soon.

Remember the live chat about Fast Track that happened a little while back? Well, it's up at Youtube, so you can watch yourselves. They really don't say much of interest, and I only have a few things to say:
1. I agree, I like Fast Track more than Fast and Furious, mostly because it's no so full of total BS.
2. Is Lee Goldberg pretending to be a douche bag on purpose? What's with the "wall-to-wall action or floor-to-ceiling sex" tips for writing scripts?!
3. Erin, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, I BEG YOU, drop the blonde. Go back to brunnette, you look ill and starved as a blonde, please go back to your dark hair, PLEASE!! (And gain a couple of pounds, your bones are starting to show a bit much, too)
4. I like the answer about the sex scenes. It really shows how sweet and homey Erin is. :)

Here's the video:

Also, on Erin's AMTC page, Deborah says she's going to stay blonde for a while *grimaces* mostly because she may have to go back and do some "pick up scenes" for Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2, I hope, honestly, she rids of it as soon as she can. I didn't like it for "The Biggest Fan" and I don't like it now :P
Deborah also said she got to be on the set for a day, and that the movie may be out in February.

Speaking of Deborah, her Behind The Scenes photos from the Cold Case episode "Torn" have been linked to at Erin's Page in FB, Here is the album, check out the photos they are really cute. Oh and the NCIS videos I uploaded have been linked as well! :D

And last, Erin, alongside a huge group of her Power Rangers Time Force co-stars, took part of the No H8 campaign, here's the pic, taken from No Pink Spandex. Go there to see the pics of the other Power Rangers cast members who took part of the campaign.

See ya!

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Videos of Erin in NCIS

So, finally I managed to get these uploaded! They are not exactly 'awesome' in quality, but I'm still kinda new at this :)
Here are two clips from the longest scene Erin had in NCIS, when Gibbs is interrogating her. She did a great job. Enjoy.

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Trivial bits

Hey guys, I tried to upload some clips from Erin in NCIS, but my computer is not being very helpfull.
Deborah (Erin's mom, I think) sent a letter to AMTC about the NCIS shoot back in AUGUST and they just updated her page THIS WEEK! Weird, eh?

Here's what she said, you won't believe it!

A little bit of trivia and irony: they actually shoot NCIS in Valencia in the same studio where Erin did POWER RANGERS! She saw her old dressing room, went to the same place for hair and makeup and even saw her old parking space! Who could have predicted that 9 years later she would be back in the same place! They razzed her about PR I am sure!

Interesting bit, isn't it? Power Rangers and NCIS are shoot in the same studio, I imagine it would have been quite a journey for Erin, going back there.

Also, Remember that pic of blonde Erin I showed you before (it's in the post beneath this one), Deborah tells the AMTC folks that's the result after 7 HOURS in the Salon! Seven hours, wow... That's a lot of time.

That's all for now.

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Reminders and more news!

Hey guys!

Just to remind you Erin will be in this next Tuesday's NCIS (October 6th), and she will be on The Mentalist in a month from now, November 5th.
The Fast Track DVD comes out on October 10th, not 6th like I had said earlier.
And news! (From the FB page, which is sort-of-official):
Erin will be in Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2, which comes out on DVD next year, and there's a picture of her gone blonde for the role:

I don't particularly like it (didn't like it for Biggest Fan either), but to each its own, I guess. I wonder what she would look like redhaired...

And last but not least, the invaluable Nuno found this short film starring Erin, it's called Just Before Dark and here it is:

Well, that's pretty much everything for now, remember to catch Erin on TV!

Thursday, 24 September 2009

A Video from Nuno! (About Erin, too)

Nuno Reis posted a link to this in the FB page. I hadn't seen it, so, in case you hadn't seen it either, here it is.
It's outakes (bloopers) from the Disney Vacation Planing DVD Erin made years back.

"Can I fire myself?" Pure Win.

Erin in "The Mentalist"

I have ZERO details on this, so far, but Erin's Facebook page has posted that her episode of "The Mentalist" will air on November 5th. Remember NCIS on October 6th as well.

Go to Erin's Facebook page and become a fan! They have a lot of pretty pictures in it!

Sunday, 20 September 2009

A Video of Erin in "Mr. Monk and the Critic"

So, it did actually air on Sept. 18th! Erin's character was Calleigh, a waitress (If I understood correctly) who was thrown out of a balcony.

In this video you can see pretty much all her appereance, in case you missed it.

Now, let's keep our eyes peeled for the NCIS appereance and, according to her page of FB, she's doing "The Mentalist" as well!

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Erin's Monk episode

According to TV.com, "Mr. Monk and the Critic" is due to air Sept. 18.

Oh, and her FB page reports she's shooting an appereance on "The Mentalist" as well.

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Erin in NCIS.

According to IMDB, Erin will be playing Navy Lt. Jessica Summers in the upcoming episode of NCIS "The Inside Man". It's scheduled to air on October 6th, 2009 as it's the 3rd episode of this season.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

"Fast Track" on DVD in the US.

LisaJ from Nopinkspandex (Follow her on Twitter here) just tweeted that Erin's movie "Fast Track: No Limits" will be released in the US on DVD on my mom's birthday October 6th.
You can buy the movie here: at Amazon.
I've seen this a couple of times, I'll post a review (if I ever can be arsed) when I have time.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Erin in Monk update

The episode of Monk that will gueststar Erin is entitled "Mr. Monk and the Critic" and (according to Wikipedia, take it with a grain of salt) is due to air near the end of the season (around October).

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Archived Footage Stuff from Power Rangers

OMG!! She's updating regularly! Run for the hills!!!

Well, MRAftershock at YouTube has posted some videos of archived footage from the Power Rangers Time Force/Wild Force team-up. In the one below you can see a few takes of Erin as Jen, but there are many more videos featuring the rest of the cast.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Cute Pics from Photos a la Quang

Hey check out this pics from the Photos a la Quang Blog. At some point the owner of the blog took some pictures of Erin and they are actually quite good.
Check them out:

Hope you like them, E does looks pretty in them

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Erin's Facebook Page

So, yeah, as a fan I kinda suuuuuck. Sorry Erin.
Anyway, there's a fanpage in FB dedicated to Erin, you can get videos and photos there (since I'm not doing much over here for now). So go now and list yourself as a fan of Erin.
I don't know if the page is official or not, but it is pretty pretty worth checking it out.
See you around!!

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Erin will be in Monk

Kalenabear has posted at Rangerboard that Erin will be in the first ten minutes of this (or next) week's episode of Monk.

Oh, and sorry about the lack of updates on Erin's role on Saving Grace, I haven't gotten around to watch it yet.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009


After been out for a couple of days, Erin AMTC's page is back up, which is ood beacuse it's the closest thing we have to an official page for now.
The new update of the page says Erin will have a recurring role in "Saving Grace" and will be working with Holly Hunter. She will play Kendra, a reporter.
Also, she will get killed AGAIN, this time on Monk, no date for the episode yet, though.
She has a new commercial for Miller Beer, which should be out soon and her mom closes the letter saying Boogeyman 3 is one of the top selling/rental DVD's out.
They also updated with the General Hospital appereance :P (only a month later)
I'm very excited for Erin, she seems to be very busy (and that's how we like her!). See you.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Interview about Boogeyman 3

Here's a video of a small interview made to Erin about her movie "Boogeyman 3". The questions are very basic, but we learn she went to London in January (aparently) and we see her best "horror face".

BOOGEYMAN 3 - Erin Cahill Red Carpet interview

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Two short videos

Well, our lovely Nuno has sent me the link to http://www.rikilindhome.com were you can find these two short films, both of which include our lovely Erin at some point.

Imaginary Larry is the musical journey of an introverted girl who falls in love but has her plans thwarted by her possessive imaginary friend.

and Life is Short A comedy about a short guy, who, at the behest of his crackpot life coach, leaves his perfect girlfriend to pursue his dream of being with a tall woman.

Enjoy them at the webpage, and see if you can spot her!

Monday, 16 March 2009

Funny little vid

Hey!I know, I owe you updates from General Hospital and Grey's Anatomy (cross fingers for a House, MD. since she's in a hospital roll, lol). I'll have them up soon.

Meanwhile, he's a video I found in YouTube about St. Patrick's Day. And what does it have to do with Erin? Well, She's in it, and she's drunk! Just check it out for yourselves. See ya!

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

General Hospital 2

Yesterday marked Erin's second appereance in "General Hospital" as Cassandra. This time she talks, and much. She convinces Spinelli to help her get back at her ex-husband, who apparently is hiding assets from her. Spinelli's companion, Winifred, senses the trap, but she's ignored.
As her character was trying to look innocent and desperate, the evil side hasn't shown yet.
Here's a video at youtube, unfortunately Embedding has been dissabled, so you have to go there to see it.

Sunday, 8 March 2009

General Hospital 1

Erin's appereance on last Friday's "General Hospital" was very small, she merely appeared in the background of a couple of scenes, spying over Spinelli, and looking like she was scheming an evil plan. Let's see what goes on next week.
Remember Erin's appereance on "Grey's Anatomy" is next Thursday, she plays the patient Meg.

Friday, 6 March 2009

Confirmation on "Grey´s Anatomy"

Kalenabear has posted on Rangerboard that our Erin is indeed the Erin Cahill listed for March 12th episode of "Grey´s Anatomy". She Plays the patient Meg.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

More on Erin's Role in General Hospital.

Erin will be playing a short-term role in GH starting tomorrow.
Here's what they had to say about her character (it's a scoop) at GHOFS: "What happens to Spinelli? All he wants to do is help a woman in need…the woman? Cassandra. She locks Spinelli up and drugs him in order to force him to help her steal a valuable painting in a vault."

So, she apparently plays an EVIL character, that's new! Let's see how it works out!
Also, GHOFS and generalhospitalblog.com posted these pics:

Can't wait until tomorrow! I have to see this!

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Erin in "General Hospital"

MMPRpinkninja has posted on Rangerboard the great news that Erin will be taking the short-term role of Cassandra in General Hospital, Starting March 6. I'll try to get the episodes and pics, if you live in the US, look it up!

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Erin in Grey's Anatomy?

Hey there!
The 17th episode of Grey's Anatomy fifth seasn, entitled "I Will Follow You into the Dark", enlists an "Erin Cahill" as Meg. There are two Erin Cahills (remember the whole Will Smith movie fiasco), but chances are this is our Erin.
This episode of Grey's Anatomy is scheduled to air on March 12 on ABC. I'll keep you guys posted.

Monday, 19 January 2009

Boogeyman 3 available tomorrow

Just a friendly reminder that Boogeyman 3 is available to purchase or rent from tomorrow January 20th.

Took a peek and it's not Shakespeare, but it's not a complete waste of time... oh okay, so there's a lot of people drenched in blood and a lot of screaming, but Erin does a good job with her role.
I'll class this with "Fast Track", not absolutely bad, but let's hope this year E gets more roles like Heathers (in HIMYM) and less Sarahs.

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Happy Birthday Erin!!!

Hey guys!! Today's Erin's birthday, so wish her all the best (as I am doing now), I hope she gets lots of personal and professional success this year.

And now a bit of a bizarre birthday this is,'cause it's her birthday and you get the presents!
Here's a clip I got like a million years ago from Erincahill.com, it's from the show Erin did for SpikeTV, MDN.
It's a quick sketch, called "Erin changing in her dressing room", enjoy.