Remember the live chat about Fast Track that happened a little while back? Well, it's up at Youtube, so you can watch yourselves. They really don't say much of interest, and I only have a few things to say:
1. I agree, I like Fast Track more than Fast and Furious, mostly because it's no so full of total BS.
2. Is Lee Goldberg pretending to be a douche bag on purpose? What's with the "wall-to-wall action or floor-to-ceiling sex" tips for writing scripts?!
3. Erin, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, I BEG YOU, drop the blonde. Go back to brunnette, you look ill and starved as a blonde, please go back to your dark hair, PLEASE!! (And gain a couple of pounds, your bones are starting to show a bit much, too)
4. I like the answer about the sex scenes. It really shows how sweet and homey Erin is. :)
Here's the video:
Also, on Erin's AMTC page, Deborah says she's going to stay blonde for a while *grimaces* mostly because she may have to go back and do some "pick up scenes" for Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2, I hope, honestly, she rids of it as soon as she can. I didn't like it for "The Biggest Fan" and I don't like it now :P
Deborah also said she got to be on the set for a day, and that the movie may be out in February.
Speaking of Deborah, her Behind The Scenes photos from the Cold Case episode "Torn" have been linked to at Erin's Page in FB, Here is the album, check out the photos they are really cute. Oh and the NCIS videos I uploaded have been linked as well! :D
And last, Erin, alongside a huge group of her Power Rangers Time Force co-stars, took part of the No H8 campaign, here's the pic, taken from No Pink Spandex. Go there to see the pics of the other Power Rangers cast members who took part of the campaign.

See ya!